A cloud landing zone is basically setting up your GCP environments using standard configurations in a way that allows you to begin your GCP journey. By automating the process of setting up your infrastructure, the landing zone app built by Niveus Solutions allows you to bypass the tedious process of manually laying the foundations of your GCP environment, letting you start operations immediately.
Cloud landing zones act as the foundation upon which your cloud environment is built. Just like architectural foundations, landing zones give a strong base to build on and are created keeping in mind all that it will eventually hold. This blueprint ensures that your journey into the cloud progresses along a well-organized site plan, complete with maps, designs and dimensions. It also allows for organizations to clearly define themselves, the projects and teams involved, the resources used to conduct activities, and much more within their cloud environments.
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A sound foundation goes before a sound construction.
Quick Comparison
Niveus’ Automated Landing Zone Vs Manual Setup

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