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Apigee in Singapore: How APIs Are Transforming Industries

By October 25, 2022May 18th, 2023No Comments

APIs are transforming industries in Singapore in the digital space. According to a recent study, the global API management market is projected to reach $5.1 billion by 2023, nearly five times the growth in 2018, with an average annual growth rate of 32.9%. Other forecasts state that the global API market growth will surpass $21 billion by 2028. As more and more industries move online, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are an increasingly important part of constant communication between your business and the customers. Every company needs to nurture a robust API economy. And the most effective way to integrate all your APIs is Apigee. In this blog, we look at how it is impacting industries in Singapore and why Apigee is so important for a business to build an API economy.

One of the biggest trends we’re seeing across industries is the growing number of APIs. APIs are becoming an incredibly useful way to increase the efficiency and reach of businesses, allowing them to streamline their operations and communicate with customers on a larger scale than ever before. However, there’s more to integrating APIs than just having the technology. To get the most out of your APIs, it’s important to have a proper strategy for API integration as well as a plan for monitoring, troubleshooting, and updating the technology. 

According to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, Apigee is the market leader for API management in the Asia-Pacific region. 

How can Apigee be used by Singapore’s businesses?

Apigee is a global leader in API management. The platform has been in the API management business for the last 10 years and has become the industry standard for API management. It makes it easy for companies to create, operate and manage APIs on the cloud. Apigee also offers a wide range of API products that are used by organizations worldwide as well as a range of Software Development Kits (SDKs) that can be used to build businesses on the Apigee platform.

The benefits of Apigee for Singapore’s businesses are considerably large, making it a prime choice for businesses operating on the digital landscape. 

Over the years, Apigee has been working hard to solve some of the biggest problems in the API economy. As a company with a Global Delivery Model and an industry-leading partner ecosystem, GCP is able to provide a full technology stack for customers’ APIs. From API creation, to operations, to management and monitoring, we’ve got you covered! 

With an Apigee implementation, building an API gateway is the easiest way to create, publish and manage APIs. We enable API creators to focus on engaging their API consumers, instead of having to spend their time and resources on the infrastructure, maintenance and management of the API lifecycle. Apigee allows you to focus on innovation, instead of spending your time worrying about the underlying software. You can create a single, secure API gateway that can securely manage multiple APIs, or alternatively, you can create a secure gateway to protect multiple underlying APIs. You can also create/employ multiple secure gateways to protect multiple underlying APIs; each with its own security, access control, monitoring, analytics and management.

Apigee’s current trends and innovative offerings

In times of digital threats, many companies have begun to realize the importance of building secure APIs for all of their services and products. In fact, the economic downturn has shown that providing easy-to-use APIs is more important than ever and continues to be vital to organizations’ bottom lines!  API providers must carefully plan the development of their APIs from the beginning in order to ensure that the user experience and business value is optimized.  The process of building APIs, even when they are simply supporting internal data, can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but when done right, the payoff can be huge.

With the rise of mobile devices, people are consuming more and more content, and they are doing this on their phones. Think about it, when you are at home, you’re on your computer or TV, but when you’re on the go, you are most likely on your phone. The smartphone has changed the way we live, work, and play. It’s no longer a device that we just call or text with, we use them for everything—from checking the weather, to finding restaurants, to booking a trip. This is why APIs are so important, they allow you to integrate the content you want to share with the customers you want to reach, no matter where they are.

If you want to create or deliver a digital experience, you need a clear strategy to connect the dots between all the moving pieces. Apigee’s API management solutions help you do just that. Whether you’re building a next-generation application, or you’re a large enterprise that wants to improve the agility of your digital business, Apigee is the partner you need. At Niveus, we’re on a mission to help you quickly and securely connect your customers to the digital experiences they want, across any device, anywhere in the world. We’re experts at implementing Apigee for building, managing and connecting APIs, and helping you get the most from your digital transformation efforts.

Apigee partners in Singapore

The API economy has been rapidly changing the way businesses operate, and Singapore has been one of the first countries to adapt to this change. Singapore is a hotbed for many API companies, and the API economy has been transforming various industries in the country. As an API management company in Singapore, Niveus partners with API creators as well as businesses that require APIs for their applications.

The world is becoming a more connected place and we are expecting to see a shift towards the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years. And with this shift, we are seeing a number of new applications that are built on top of APIs. These new applications are driving the increasing demand for API management. 

Niveus as a GCP partner is driving digital transformation in Singapore. With the advent of the digital era, new opportunities and businesses have sprouted up, and many new sectors have been created. In an ever-changing business landscape, technology plays a crucial role in keeping businesses up to date with the latest trends and innovations, and the way in which business is conducted. As digital transformation has taken the world by storm, industries are now transforming the way in which they do business, with digital being their backbone. The traditional way of doing business and marketing is gradually being replaced by the new online way, and businesses are beginning to see the need to be more tech savvy and adaptable to the ever-changing environment.

Apigee analytics 

Apigee analytics will allow you to set up Google Analytics Tracking, create custom metrics and see a comprehensive overview of your apps and APIs. Through a single dashboard, you can have access and insights into all apps, APIs, and data.

Apigee analysis is linked to the centralized Apigee platform. Apigee analytics can be used to collect, store, and process data through the API and information you have, then providing you with accurate data, to help you better understand your API traffic. It is very easy for users who are not familiar with API technology to access Apigee analytics. Businesses can quickly use Apigee analytics to analyze API usage data, API performance, API security and API operations.

APIs have become the way to connect systems, platforms, and devices and are at the center of modern digital businesses. Over the last few years, APIs have become one of the most important aspects of the digital economy. APIs are playing a crucial role in the digital transformation of businesses and industries. APIs are no longer an option but they are essential to every business. APIs can help both startups and enterprises to leverage their data and turn it into a valuable product. APIs offer a way to do business and can be used by companies to create new revenue streams by approaching markets in radically new ways, creating new products and services or improving existing ones.

Apigee and the cloud

In the last few years, APIs have become increasingly important in the world of technology and digital business. They enable information to be shared in the cloud, and they enable both large and small businesses to use technology to achieve their objectives. The use of APIs in software development is a sign of the growing importance of big data and cloud computing in the business world.

With APIs being a buzzword, everyone is looking to get a piece of the pie. This is evident in the way companies are beginning to look at their business operations with a new perspective, and not just focusing on the fundamentals. The era of APIs is upon us, and it is not leaving any industry behind. The key factor here is the way companies are re-aligning their business strategies about their products and services. APIs are playing a crucial role in the way businesses are changing, and how they are adapting to the needs of the consumers. Singapore has been a front-runner in the Asian region when it comes to the use of APIs, and this is evident from the way companies are seeing the benefits of using APIs.

If you are looking for new ways to interact with your customers and to better integrate your business, then an API platform like Apigee can help you to achieve these goals. With the right tools, APIs can really help your business to grow and innovate. If you’re interested to know how Apigee can help you, please contact us today by emailing us at

Karthik Pai

Author Karthik Pai

Karthik Pai, our marketing executive for Singapore is passionate about technology, innovation and helping drive business growth. He facilitates business growth by connecting Niveus’ cloud solutions to meet business needs and fill operational gaps.

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