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Data Visualization Services In Singapore: Looker, Data Studio, & More

By September 22, 2022May 18th, 2023No Comments

Businesses are getting smarter about collecting and analyzing data. Data mining is alive and well, and with the widespread adoption of analytics, it’s clear that organizations are looking for faster and more efficient ways to analyze their data. In order to make proper use of their data, APAC businesses have turned to data visualization services in Singapore to help them make connections, discover trends and make sense of their data to drive their business ahead with the right insights.

Data visualization is a process that presents data in a way that is more meaningful than just raw numbers. This is a great way for users to understand your data as it paints a picture with numbers. Data visualization companies essentially help businesses in summarizing and presenting large data in simple and easy-to-understand visualizations to give readers insightful information. There are many ways to visually represent data and it’s important to find the right one that works best for your data. Here, we will look at some simple and easy ways to make your data perform better and not just look good.

Data visualization companies in Singapore 

With the kind of advanced technology that Singapore actively fosters, data visualization services can be used for highly specialized purposes such as 3D medical imaging, urban transportation simulation, and disaster relief monitoring and more. Less complicated uses include IoT data, business analytics and intelligence.

Data visualization companies in Singapore aid businesses by helping readers see a pattern or trend in the data being analyzed in a visual/image-based medium. It enables the reader to focus attention to the relevant points and conveys the messages in a much faster and efficient manner. For example, tracking company performance in comparison to competitors, or the predicted sales and profit trends for the year. It is storytelling at its core with the aim of driving informed decision-making. 

Data visualization comes of value when conveying complex issues, identifying key information from large data sets, or making sense of the growing volume of data. Big data is the new oil, but making sense of it and gaining business insights requires data visualization techniques and tools. 

In Singapore, data visualization was leveraged to affect behavioral change including encouraging more prudent energy and water usage. Utilities & consumption bills include consumption data visualized in bar charts, with a comparison between the previous month’s utilities usage, the neighbors’ usage, and the national average. 

Niveus’ data analytics and visualization services with GCP

As a premier Google Cloud Partner In Singapore, Niveus leverages GCP tools for bringing top cloud services for the APAC region. Our work in data visualization is closely linked to our data storage capabilities, and helps bring transformational data services for businesses. Here are a few –

  • We implemented a consolidated view of business data for a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, with real-time data ingestion to BigQuery from different sources. All business users now have access to all required information from different sources in a single place for real-time analysis
  • We now bring data from multiple data sources into a centralized, scalable, and pay-as-you-go data warehouse for analyzing information and generating insightful reports for India’s oldest music label 
  • We enabled a leading automobile player to analyze the aggregated data for each of its connected vehicles via Google Cloud IoT platform, with a scalable API layer with monitoring and easy integration, and providing real time information such as trip details and vehicle health.

Busting myths around data visualization

Here are a few of the myths around data visualization

Myth 1: Data cosmetics is data visualization 

Data visualization is not simply about making the numbers look pretty. For a data visualization process to be successful, it also takes into account the intended target audience, the problems highlighted within the data, and an estimate on the corporate goals. Data visualization provides a way to use data in order to answer the business questions and challenges, and convey the right information to the right end-user. 

Myth 2: Data visualization is easy 

While tools like Tableau and cloud services help to simplify data visualization by automating parts of the data journey in a few lines of code or even just a number of clicks, data visualization is far from simple. Data visualization tools can help streamline and facilitate the last mile of the data visualization process. Yet, there is much work that happens prior to that. Bringing the data together from different sources for analysis, for example, is one such work that requires time and effort. 

Myth 3: Visualization is the final intended outcome 

Data visualization is not simply to put words into pictures, but is intended to drive informed decision-making by bringing key insights with data. It is a sort of bridge between what has happened and what should happen next. It gathers data on what has already occurred or is likely to occur and connects businesses to what should be the next step forwards to gain the outcomes required to meet the goals of the company. 

GCP tools for data visualization services in Singapore

With a data storage platform such as BigQuery, businesses require complementary data analysis and business intelligence tools  to gain insights from their stored data. Here are a few of the several Google and third-party tools that Niveus integrates with BigQuery for a clear vision and insight into business analytics –

  1. Google Data Studio: A free, self-service business intelligence platform to help build and consume data visualizations, with dashboards and reports. With Data Studio, businesses can connect to their data, create visualizations, charts and reports, and disseminate insights with others for efficient decision-making.
  2. Looker: An enterprise platform for business intelligence, data applications, and embedded analytics. Looker explores, shares, and visualizes organizational data enabling better business decisions. It can create easy-to-read reports and dashboards, exploring patterns of data and generating predictive analysis. It offers additional features tailored for custom data applications and experiences.
  3. Connected Sheets: A much simpler way to analyze BigQuery data is Connected Sheets, which help businesses to access, analyze, visualize, and share billions of rows of BigQuery data from your Google Sheets. Businesses can also collaborate with partners, analysts, or other stakeholders in a familiar spreadsheet interface and leverage a single source of truth for data analysis. Connected Sheets can even run BigQuery queries upon request or on a defined schedule.
  4. ODBC and JDBC drivers: As extensions of sorts, these leverage the power of BigQuery’s standard SQL to help users combine BigQuery with existing tooling and infrastructure. These drivers are exclusive to BigQuery however.

The facts and figures of the business can have the intended effect, when the data can be visualized, and communicated better. Email us at to gain key insights in your business with our analytics and data visualization solutions offered by GCP.

Karthik Pai

Author Karthik Pai

Karthik Pai, our marketing executive for Singapore is passionate about technology, innovation and helping drive business growth. He facilitates business growth by connecting Niveus’ cloud solutions to meet business needs and fill operational gaps.

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