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Web Traffic Management Solutions For Managing Peak Load

By February 24, 2023April 13th, 2023No Comments

One of the most critical aspects of any business is managing traffic. If your site/application is slow, people will leave. As a result, the value being generated from your site/applications will drop drastically. Here we will look at how Google cloud helps in building web traffic management solutions, improving website loading speed at peak loads with low-latency and high-availability in mind.

Gain high availability & low latency for improved customer experience

High-availability and low-latency are two features that are commonly found in web traffic management solutions, but they are not the same thing. 

Why latency & high availability matters in web traffic management

High availability refers to the ability of a traffic management solution to remain operational and accessible at all times, even in the face of unexpected challenges or disruptions. By ensuring that the traffic management solution is always available, end users can enjoy uninterrupted access to the services and resources they need, without having to worry about downtime or other disruptions.

High availability is critical in traffic management for several reasons. First and foremost, traffic management systems often play a crucial role in ensuring that important services and resources are accessible to end users. For example, a traffic management system might be responsible for load balancing across multiple servers, or for managing the distribution of network traffic across different paths.

Low latency, on the other hand, refers to the speed at which the traffic management solution can process requests and respond to user interactions. In many cases, even a slight delay in load or processing times can result in a poor user experience, particularly when it comes to activities like e-retail, online gaming or real-time communication. 

Latency of your website is critical to your site’s performance. If your site is slow, then your visitors will not likely return. Also, if a visitor is having difficulty accessing the page, they might abandon the site, or clear the cache. This is one of the main reasons why a website’s latency is important. It is also a measurement of a network’s responsiveness. A low latency is an indication of a fast, responsive network. High latency is an indication of a slow, unresponsive network.

If the web traffic management solutions were to experience downtime or other disruptions, it could result in significant service interruptions or even complete system failure. This can have serious consequences, particularly in cases where the system is responsible for mission-critical applications or services.

Why are traffic management solutions necessary for your business?

‘Traffic management’ or ‘traffic management system,’ is the distribution of data traffic on a network between its various components, especially the data traffic on the Internet. Such a service is required to keep the network running smoothly and to avoid overloading. To get started on choosing the right solutions –

  • Consider the different types of traffic management solutions available, such as load balancing, content delivery networks, and edge computing. 
  • Evaluate their capabilities in terms of latency, availability, and scalability. 
  • Look for solutions that offer a global network, regional or multi-regional storage, and autoscaling to handle traffic spikes.

It’s also important to consider the cost of these solutions and whether they align with your budget. Look for solutions that offer flexible pricing models and the ability to scale up or down as needed.

Ultimately, the right web traffic management solutions will depend on your specific needs and the nature of your application or service. By taking the time to evaluate your options and prioritize low latency and high availability, you can ensure that your users have a great experience and your business achieves its goals.

Google Cloud & improving website loading speed at peak loads

Google Cloud offers a number of services and features that can help achieve low latency and high availability for your applications and services. Here are some of the key strategies:

  • Use a global network: Google Cloud has a massive global network with over 100 points of presence across the world. This allows you to host your applications and services closer to your users, reducing latency and improving performance.
  • Use load balancing: Google Cloud Load Balancing can distribute traffic across multiple instances and regions, ensuring that your applications are highly available and can handle spikes in traffic.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): Google Cloud CDN can cache your content at edge locations around the world, reducing the distance that data has to travel and improving performance.
  • Use autoscaling: Google Cloud Autoscaling can automatically adjust the number of instances running your application based on traffic, ensuring that you always have enough capacity to handle demand.
  • Use regional or multi-regional storage: Google Cloud Storage provides regional and multi-regional options, which can ensure that your data is stored closer to your users, improving performance and availability.
  • Use cloud managed scalable databases: Cloud managed scalable databases are  distributed database services that provide strong consistency and low latency, even across multiple regions.

By using these and other Google Cloud services, you can achieve low latency and high availability for your applications and services, which can lead to better user experiences and improved business outcomes.

Niveus’ scalable platforms for clients

Here’s how Niveus has helped clients manage their peak loads with scalable platforms – 

The client, an Indian conglomerate operating primarily in automotive manufacturing, built a scalable & responsive microsite with Niveus for the launch of their latest SUV model. The pre-booking platform was built to handle peak loads during the pre-booking and booking stage with use of Cloud Load Balancing. The number of concurrent users, including customers and dealers, were approximately 5 million in an hour, visiting the site. 

The client was a leading media organization in India, involved in providing value added services over existing and upcoming communication networks. We improved their video start-up time for the overall video experience across Video-On-Demand & Live Channels, with Google CDN via the Global Load Balancer. 

A major NBFC player with over 10,000 financial advisors, developed & operationalized an ‘Advisor Super Application’, an integrated digital platform that engages advisors digitally to fulfill their customer servicing needs. The application was built by Niveus, using Google’s CDN and Load Balancer for extensive scalability. 

The client is an American multinational technology company, looking to deliver an impressive customer experience for their own real-time multiplayer gaming platform setup. We helped them to improve their customer experience with a variety of GCP products including Cloud Spanner, to host up to a million concurrent application users demonstrating high scalability, increased availability and powerful consistency.

Choosing a traffic management solution with low-latency and high-availability in mind is incredibly important because it will help make sure that your critical applications and services are the most effective and reliable that they can be. Google Cloud offers a number of services and features that can help achieve low latency and high availability for your applications and services. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) allows developers to create applications and sites using on-demand resources that can scale to meet the demands of your applications and users.

Choose The Right Cloud Solutions For Your Site Traffic Management

Rohan Shetty

Author Rohan Shetty

Rohan Shetty is an experienced Cloud Leader, working with our Customer Engineering Team here at Niveus. As a certified Google Cloud Architect, Rohan works to connect Google Cloud solutions to business challenges, across industries.

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